We’ve written extensively about the Infiniti Q50, its capabilities, and various features on this blog. Today, we will talk about what fuel this sedan needs and what fuels are strictly prohibited. Let’s start with a quick answer:
All generations of the Infiniti Q50 take premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91. However, VR30DDTT engine models in the second generation and all cars manufactured in the third generation take 93 octane to achieve optimum performance.
However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Below we’ve outlined recommendations and requirements for different kinds of fuels and fuel additives. We’ll also go into detail about the compatibility of the Q50 with oxygenated blends. Furthermore, we discuss the tank size of these generations. Read on!
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Regular And Premium Gasoline
You may wonder if regular gasoline with an octane rating of 87 is still allowed to be used in the Q50. The answer to this is that this kind of fuel is only allowed in the Q50 if premium gasoline is not available. Furthermore, this can only happen temporarily and you have to take the following precautions when doing so:
- Have the fuel tank filled only partially with unleaded regular gasoline, and fill up with unleaded premium gasoline as
soon as possible. - Avoid full throttle during acceleration
Furthermore, you may wonder if premium gasoline isn’t a better option all the time, even for the generations for which Infiniti doesn’t specifically advise this. The answer to this is that this is not the way to go. Using fuel with an octane rating higher than recommended won’t give the car any benefits whatsoever.
The reason for this is the fact that only engines that are designed for 93 octane can receive benefit from it. For engines for which 91 octane is recommended, it’s best to stick to this recommendation. Using a 93 octane won’t hurt the vehicle, but it will only be more expensive in the long run.
Reformulated Gasoline
Another topic we have to talk about is the use of reformulated gasoline. Reformulated gasoline is the gasoline designed to burn more cleanly and thereby also causes fewer engine emissions. These types of gasoline were first introduced about two decades ago in California. Since then, they have become mandatory in more than 19 areas in the United States, and therefore it’s essential to know if the Q50 can take this fuel.
The answer to this is that all Q50, as well as the Infiniti QX60 and QX80, are all designed to take reformulated gasoline. Furthermore, Infiniti recommends the use of reformulated gasoline whenever it is available.
It’s also good to know that reformulated gasoline doesn’t cost anything more than non-reformulated gasoline. Furthermore, reformulated gasoline doesn’t require extra maintenance and will give your car the same fuel economy as usual.
Oxygenated Blends
The use of oxygenated blends of fuel is also a topic worthy of discussion. This is because oxygenated blends are pretty standard. These blends contain chemicals such as ethanol or methanol. They are especially popular in colder regions or during winter when temperatures drop below freezing. Ethanol and methanol provide an easier cold start for the engine.
However, you can’t just use ethanol or methanol without being aware of the implications. These are as follows:
- Infiniti Q50 manufactured before 2018 can take gasoline with a maximum percentage of 10% ethanol. Q50 manufactured after 2018 can take gasoline with 15% ethanol. E-85 (85% ethanol) can never be used for any generation of the Q50.
- All generations of the Infiniti Q50 can take fuel with a maximum of 5% methanol. Furthermore, It should also contain a suitable amount of appropriate cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors. If not properly formulated with appropriate cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors, such methanol blends may cause fuel system damage and/or vehicle performance problems.
Gasoline With Additives
These days many additives are commercially available. These additives supposedly help your car get more benefit out of the fuel it’s using. This may be for performance purposes. It may also have the goal of cleaning the engine more thoroughly.
However, Infiniti strongly recommends against the use of these aftermarket fuel additives. These may include fuel injector cleaner, intake valve deposit removers, and octane boosters. These additives may contain active solvents or similar ingredients that will damage the engine and fuel system permanently.
Instead, Infiniti recommends the use of TOP TIER gasoline sold at TOP TIER retailers. The gas that these retailers sell already contains all the necessary ingredients to make sure your engine delivers optimal performance and stays as clean as possible. You can find a TOP TIER retailer at toptiergas.com
Fuel Tank Size Per Generation
All generations of the Infiniti Q50 manufactured from 2013 onwards have a fuel tank capacity of 20 gallons or 76 liters.
Closing Thoughts
In today’s blog post, we dove deep into the fuel requirements and guidelines for the Infiniti Q50, delineating the appropriate fuels to use across different generations and engine types. From underscoring the necessity of using premium unleaded gasoline with specific octane ratings to offering insights into the use of fuel additives and oxygenated blends, we aimed to cover all necessary ground to guide you in making the best fuel choices for your Q50.
As we wrap up, we trust that you now possess a comprehensive understanding of the fuel specifications and recommendations to optimize the performance of your Infiniti Q50. Leveraging this knowledge can not only enhance your vehicle’s efficiency but also prolong its lifespan.
- https://admin.owners.infinitiusa.com/content/manualsandguides/Q50/2016/2016-Q50-owner-manual-and-maintenance-info.pdf
- https://admin.owners.infinitiusa.com/content/manualsandguides/Q50/2017/2017-Q50-owner-manual-and-maintenance-info.pdf
- https://www.infinitiusa.com/content/dam/Infiniti/US/manuals_guides/q50/2021/2021-infiniti-q50-owner-manual.pdf
Hi! My name is Stefan; I’m the owner and lead writer at TheDriverAdviser.com.
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