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Types Of Gas A Dodge Journey Takes (All Generations)

Types Of Gas A Dodge Journey Takes (All Generations)

We’ve written extensively about the Dodge Journey, its capabilities, and various features on this blog. Today, we will talk about what fuel this SUV needs and what fuels are strictly prohibited. Let’s start with a quick answer:

Dodge Journey, manufactured between 2008 – 2011 and with a 2.4L engine, use regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87. The 3.5L versions take 89 octane gasoline. All Dodge Journey manufactured after 2011 take regular unleaded gasoline with an octane of 87.

However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Below we’ve outlined recommendations and requirements for different kinds of fuels and fuel additives. We’ll also go into detail about the compatibility of the Journey with oxygenated blends. Furthermore, we discuss the tank size of these generations. Read on!

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Also read: How Many Miles Can A Dodge Journey Last? (Answered)

Infographic explaining the different types of fuel for a dodge journey.

Premium Gasoline

Let us start by talking about the use of premium gasoline in the Dodge Journey. Many Journey owners wonder if it isn’t better to use this kind of gasoline because it supposedly helps the car’s performance and the durability of the engine and its components.

The use of premium gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher is not advised by Dodge. Yes, the Journey can run on premium gasoline without any problems. However, using this gasoline will not give the Journey any benefits. The reason for this is that the engines aren’t designed to make use of the higher octane levels.

Instead, you’ll pay for more expensive gasoline without receiving benefits from it. Therefore, it’s recommended you stick to the guidelines mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Reformulated Gasoline

Another form of gasoline you get to pick from is the use of reformulated gasoline vs. non-reformulated gasoline. Reformulated gasoline was first introduced two decades ago in California. There, it was seen as an excellent decision to make this kind of fuel mandatory for the sole reason that reformulated gasoline burns more cleanly than non-reformulated gasoline.

These days, reformulated gasoline is mandatory in 19 areas of the United States. However, don’t be worried since the engine of all generations of the Dodge Journey is designed to use reformulated gasoline. Even better, Dodge advises you to use reformulated gasoline whenever it’s available because it creates fewer emissions and is, therefore, better for the environment.

Oxygenated Blends

Oxygenated blends of gasoline are designed for winter conditions. These fuels help your car start more easily when cold temperatures are the norm, and therefore you’ll see them across North America. The question is whether or not the Journey is compatible with these fuels.

The answer is that the Journey is compatible with these fuels, but only up to a certain percentage. Below we’ll give the guidelines for all generations of the journey:

  • Methanol should never be mixed into the fuel meant for the Dodge Journey
  • Dodge Journey manufactured between 2008 – 2014 can use fuel with a maximum of 10% ethanol. Journey manufactured after 2014 can use fuel with a maximum of 15% ethanol.

For the early generation of the Journey, E-15 (15% ethanol) and E-85 (85% ethanol) are therefore not usable at all. Later versions of the Journey can still not take E-85. Using fuels that contain methanol or more than 10-15% ethanol will result in numerous problems such as:

  • Poor accelaration
  • Knocking of the engine (more on that in a later subheading)
  • Check engine ligh illuminating
  • Damage of the vehicle that’s not covered under warranty

Gasoline With Additives

Another question people have about gasoline is whether or not they should add aftermarket additives to their fuel. These additives are generally marketed as fluids that either increase the performance or durability of the car. However, Dodge strongly recommends against the use of additives in fuel that’s meant for the Journey.

This is because many of these additives contain materials such as silicon and metallics, which will damage the engine and the fuel system. Therefore, they will do more harm than good to the car.

Instead, it’s recommended that you use gasoline that already has all the proper additives mixed into them. These fuels can be bought at certified TOP TIER gas retailers. You can find a retailer in your area via TOP TIER gas is safe to use with the Dodge Journey, and it also cleans the engine systematically, which will guarantee the best performance and lifespan for the car.

Engine Knock After Refilling

In some cases, you’ll hear the engine making a slight knocking sound. A slight knocking sound is never something to be worried about. Engine knock occurs when the car performs at near-maximum levels, such as when towing or driving up a hill.

However, if an engine knock occurs right after refilling and becomes very loud, it’s a reason for concern. In this case, you’ve likely used fuel with a lower-than-recommended octane rating. It’s advised you immediately stop the car and contact your dealer.

It’s likely your car will need to be drained, the fuel filter will need to be replaced, and the battery will need to be disconnected and reconnected to reset the car’s memory. Driving with a heavy engine knock will damage the engine and the fuel system in an unrepairable way, so please make sure you take these precautions as soon as possible.

Also read: 10 Costly Problems Of A Dodge Journey

Fuel Tank Size Per Generation

  • Dodge Journey manufactured between 2008 – 2011 that have FWD and a 2.4L PZEV engine have a fuel tank size of 18.5 gallons (70 liters). Journey with FWD and without a 2.4L PZEV engine or that have a 3.5L engine have a fuel tank size of 20.5 gallons (77.6 liters). All-wheel drive models have a fuel tank size of 21 gallons (79.8 liters).
  • Dodge Journey manufactured between 2011 – Present-day that have FWD have a fuel tank size of 20.5 gallons (77.6 liters) and all-wheel drive models have a fuel tank size of 21 gallons (79.8 liters).


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