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Types Of Gas A Chevy Spark Takes (All US Generations)

Types Of Gas A Chevy Spark Takes (All US Generations)

On this blog, we extensively research your queries about various automobiles. Today, we’ll look at the Chevy Spark and see what kind of gasoline it needs. We looked through the owners’ manuals from 2013 onwards to find the answer. Here is a quick response:

Chevy Sparks sold from 2013 onwards in the American market take regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher.

Using the right fuel is essential to get the best performance of your car. However, this doesn’t tell the whole story. Below, we will detail what kind of gasoline should and shouldn’t be used in the Spark. Furthermore, we´ll discuss this car’s fuel tank capacity and gas mileage. Read on!

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Infographic on the fuel types for a Chevrolet Spark

Fuel Requirements Based on Engine Type

First of all, we have to clarify that the 87-octane gas recommendation goes for all generations, and all engine types, of the Chevy Spark that were ever manufactured in the North-American market.

However, sometimes people believe that using 91-octane gasoline (also referred to as premium gasoline) is a better way to go because it would improve your engine’s performance and lifespan. However, this is not true.

Using premium gasoline won´t hurt your Chevy Spark in any way. However, the Chevy Spark is not designed to derive any benefits from premium gasoline. For this reason, you will only pay more instead of getting actual use from premium gasoline. For this reason, it´s recommended you opt for 87-octane gasoline at all times.

What Type of Gasoline Can A Chevy Spark Take?

Furthermore, different types of gasoline are and aren´t appropriate to use in your Spark. Below, we´ve outlined all these types so you know exactly what can and can´t be used.

Reformulated Gasoline

First, we have to talk about the use of reformulated gasoline. This is a type of gasoline that burns cleaner than non-reformulated gasoline. For this reason, it´s mandatory to use in some regions of the United States. Sparks can run on reformulated gasoline just fine.

As with most Chevy models, like the Malibu, Chevy Silverado, Traverse, Volt, and more, if you have the choice between these two types of gasoline, it´s best to go with reformulated gasoline since it doesn´t cost anything extra but does help the environment and the air quality in your region.

Gasoline/Oxygenated Blends or E-85

We also have to discuss the use of oxygenated blends of gasoline. These types of gasoline contain oxygenates, typically in the form of ethanol or methanol, which are mixed into regular gasoline. These oxygenates are generally made from bio-sources meaning they burn cleaner and are cheaper to make.

However, the use of methanol and ethanol in the Chevy Spark is strictly regulated. Methanol is strictly forbidden to use in all generations of the Chevy Spark, as well as other models for that matter, and doing so will result in corrosion to the engine and fuel system that´s not covered by the warranty.

On the other hand, ethanol is safe to use in all generations of the Chevy Spark up to 15%. For this reason, E10 (10% ethanol) and E15 (15% ethanol) are safe to use. However, E30, E50, and E85 (also referred to as flex-fuel) are not safe to use and will damage the engine. This is specific to this vehicle, as cars like the Chevy Impala are sometimes able to use flex-fuel.

Addition of Cleaning Agents

The use of aftermarket cleaning agents or octane boosters is something that you´ll hear about from time to time. Therefore, it´s good to know that Chevy recommends against the use of aftermarket cleaning agents or octane boosters. This is because aftermarket cleaning agents often use silicones or metallics that will damage your engine’s fuel system and the internals.

(Do no use) Fuel with any amount of methanol, methylal, ferrocene, and aniline. These fuels can corrode metal fuel system parts or damage plastic and rubber parts. (Also don´t use) Fuel containing metals such as methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), which can damage the emissions control system and spark plugs.

Source, 2022 owners manual but applicable to all generations

Instead, Chevy recommends the use of TOP TIER gasoline. TOP TIER retailers sell this type of gasoline. This group of retailers is an alliance that provides gasoline that contains all the suitable cleaning agents your car needs and in a larger quantity than what´s stated by law. You can find a TOP TIER gasoline retailer at

If you don´t have access to TOP TIER gasoline, Chevy recommends that you add ACDelco Fuel
System Treatment Plus−Gasoline to the vehicle’s gasoline fuel tank at every oil change or 9.000 miles (15.000 kilometers), whichever occurs first. This will keep your engine free from deposits.

What If The Engine Makes A Knocking Noise?

If you hear a knocking noise coming from your engine, then it´s most likely the case you´ve used gasoline with a lower than recommended octane rating. Also, you could have used gasoline with a higher-than-recommended percentage of ethanol.

You must stop the vehicle immediately and call your dealer or mechanic if you hear a loud knocking noise from your engine, especially right after refilling. Your car needs to be towed away and drained from its gasoline, and your fuel filter will also need to be replaced.

Continuing to drive with a loud knocking noise will result in irreparable damage that is not covered by any warranty.

What’s The Gas Mileage Of The Chevy Spark?

One of the main advantages of a small car like the Spark is its excellent fuel economy. Below, we´ve outlined the fuel economy for both the 1.2L engine (used in 2013 – 2015 models) and the 1.4L engine (used in 2016 – 2022 models).

EngineCombined MPGCity MPGHighway MPG

What Is The Tank Size Of A Chevy Spark?

All generations of the Chevy Spark sold in the United States have a fuel tank capacity of 9 gallons or 35 liters.

Closing Thoughts

In this blog post, we delved deep into the fuel requirements for the Chevy Spark, taking into consideration the recommendations from the owners’ manuals from 2013 onwards. To summarize:

Owners should opt for regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or above to ensure the optimal performance of their Chevy Spark. But keep in mind there are no benefits to using premium gasoline instead.

We trust that this discussion has equipped you with a comprehensive understanding of the type of gasoline suited for the Chevy Spark, along with insights into its fuel tank capacity and gas mileage. Remember, abiding by the recommended fuel guidelines is crucial in maintaining the car’s efficiency and longevity. Thank you for reading!


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