The Honda Odyssey is a minivan, and it has five generations. Impressively, it provides ample seating for up to eight passengers and a large cargo bay that can cater to several large size items. During its evolution, it has seen many changes and updates.
The one thing that has always remained true in the case of the Odyssey is that it is a well-designed vehicle built for safety, comfort, and convenience with reasonable gas mileage and easy fuel requirements thrown in for good measure. In the fifth generation, the Odyssey offers drivers the choice of a nine-speed or ten-speed automatic transmission. Along similar lines, we will discuss today our research regarding its various transmissions used in its five generations. So, without any fuss, let us jump straight into it.
Since 1994 to date, the Honda Odyssey has incorporated several kinds of transmissions. It began with a 4-speed automatic transmission in its first generation. In subsequent generations, it also included 5-speed and 6-speed automatic transmissions. It, however, offers 9-speed and 10-speed automatic transmissions in its fifth generation.
Firstly, it is essential to note that the above text only provides a broader view. For this reason, it is not enough to understand transmissions that went inside the Honda Odyssey. We will see in detail to comprehend different models of transmissions that go inside it throughout its five generations. Besides, we will also see the cost of replacement and their durability. In addition, we find out the problems that emerge on and off during the lifetime of those transmissions. So, here we begin.
What Transmissions Has The Honda Odyssey Used?
Here we highlight different transmissions used from the first generation through its fifth generation.
First Generation (1994 – 1998)
- 4-speed MPJA automatic
Second Generation (1998 – 2004)
- 4-speed B7XA automatic
- 5-speed BYBA automatic
Third Generation (2004 – 2010)
- 5-speed B36A automatic
Fourth Generation (2010 – 2017)
- 5-speed PV1A automatic
- 6-speed BYKA automatic
Fifth Generation (2017 – Present)
- 9-speed ZF 9HP automatic
- 10-speed automatic
How Long Does A Honda Odyssey Transmission Last?
To begin with, it depends on the kind of transmission going inside a car how many miles it will continue to function well. However, it is usually between 130,000 and 180,000 miles a transmission lasts in the Honda Odyssey which is quite close to the 200,000 plus miles you can expect from an Odyssey. It is also noted that while newer models do not pose any particular problem, the older ones tend to premature transmission failure.
How Much Does A Honda Odyssey Transmission Cost?
Provided that you want to replace the transmission of your Honda Odyssey, it is natural to have an idea about the costs of its transmissions. For your convenience, we have highlighted the prices of ones that go in the production span of the Honda Odyssey.
- 4-speed MPJA automatic: $2,375.40 (GoPowerTrain)
- 4-speed B7XA automatic: $729.00 (2040-parts)
- 5-speed BYBA automatic: $799.00 (eBay)
- 5-speed B36A automatic: $2,948.00 (GoPowerTrain)
- 5-speed PV1A automatic: $2,938.00 (GoPowerTrain)
- 6-speed BYKA automatic: $436.99 (oregonperformancetransmission)
- 9-speed ZF 9HP automatic: $3250.00 (europeantransmissions)
Common Honda Odyssey Transmission Problems
Let us discuss some problems with different transmissions of the Honda Odyssey. Click here for a complete overview of all problems an Odyssey can have.
- Issues concerning fluid begin to surface when the MPJA transmission encounters problems. A transmission leak takes place for many causes. It includes a broken seal and inadequate installation that continually interrupts the smooth running of the car, to name a few.
- Other than that, it also has an overheating issue. It causes the rubber seals of the transmission system to harden and the metal elements to bend. Ultimately, it can pave the way for the fluid leak.
- Somewhere around 50,000 miles, the transmission may begin to lag when upshifting. Besides that, the rpm can also spike a little higher than usual. In addition, it may also tend to downshift when driving.
- On rare occasions, it may also drop out of gear. In a bid to re-engage itself, it may send rpm spikes.
- The BYBA transmission tends to get damaged by premature wear and tear of the third-gear clutch pack.
- The clutch friction material erosion disperses bits inside the transmission case. Consequently, it may hinder fluid lines and thus exhibit erratic shifting. The situation may lead to sudden down-shifts from fifth gear to second gear.
- There is also a likelihood that its second gear would break as a result of an overheat. After an event, a car may come to a halt.
- The common problems with the B36Aare transmission failure and the vibration converter failing. Additionally, there is humming from the transmission and shuddering when shifting.
- The vibration converter failing may occur even before 100,000 miles, and its repair may cost $1,880 on average. When it comes to the solution, the replacement of the torque converter usually solves the problem.
- It often indicates the need to change the torque converter by making the driver shudder during shifting gears.
- Erratic shifting is one of the common problems of six-speed BYKA transmission. It has an inconsistent 2-3 shifts.
- While shifting, it may cause a significant and large bump on some occasions.
- Sometimes, it may shift to third gear and move into neutral. Subsequently, it may get back to third gear again.
- The defect in the transmission can cause several problems. It includes lurches, unexpected jerks, harsh gear shifts, and sudden transmission failure.
- On rare occasions, the problem can lead to the inability to shift gears.
Differences Between Transmissions
The MPJA is a 4-speed automatic transmission. It uses four different drive gears and has 2.2 liters of oil capacity. Essentially, it was included in the first generation of the Honda Odyssey.
The B7XA is a 4-speed automatic transmission. It uses four different drive gears and has 3.0 liters of oil capacity. For the record, the Honda Odyssey has used it in its second generation.
The BYBA is a 5-speed automatic transmission. It uses five different drive gears and has 3.5 liters of oil capacity. Like the B7XA transmission, it was also used in the second generation.
The B36A is a 5-speed automatic transmission. It uses five different drive gears and has 3.5 liters of oil capacity. Fundamentally, it was used in the third generation of the Honda Odyssey.
The BYKA is a 6-speed automatic transmission. It uses six different drive gears and has 3.5 liters of oil capacity. Nevertheless, the Honda Odyssey has used it in its fourth generation.
The ZF 9HP remains a 9-speed automatic transmission. It uses nine different drive gears and has 3.5 liters of oil capacity. Primarily, it was used in the fifth generation of the Honda Odyssey.
Transmission Fluids And The Honda Odyssey
Provided that you want your car to function smoothly, it is crucial to take good care of it. When it comes to transmission fluid, car manufacturers often recommend changing it every 45,000 miles. However, different transmissions need different types of transmission fluid. Here we provide you with a source of transmission fluids that go well with various transmissions of the Honda Odyssey.
MPJA, B7XA, BYBA, B36A, BYKA, ZF 9HP: Transmission fluid
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